A month or so ago, I was speaking to a couple of you guys, and something that came up was that you really wanted an opportunity to get closer to other successful entrepreneurs on Simplero. You wanted a Mastermind group.
That got my thinking started, and the more I thought about it, the more it made sense, and the more excited I got about the idea.
So I'm feeling a little anxious right now, writing you this. In a good way.
You know, if your ideas aren't so powerful they scare you, at least a little bit, you're not dreaming big enough. At least that's what Richard Branson said. I think he's right.
So here are my thoughts on what a Simplero mastermind would look like.
I'd love to hear your input on what make this mastermind a COMPLETE no-brainer for YOU.
I know a mastermind like this isn't going to be right for everyone. We can only fit a limited number of people, and there's going to be an application process to make sure everyone's at a certain level.
And we ARE planning on launching some new courses on marketing and business at no cost THIS WEEK. We understand, people are at different places in their business evolution.
But if a mastermind like this is something that you think could be the right fit for you right now, I'm pretty stoked about it.
The power of masterminds is that you get to "learn by osmosis". You get to be around other people and learn from how they look at and approach life, not just all the "stuff", all the tactics and strategies and stuff.
And honestly, I think the package that we've come up with here hands down beats every other mastermind I've been a part of or heard about myself.
But let me know what YOU think.
What would make this mastermind a complete no-brainer for you?
PS. Go watch the video, and then let me know what you think.
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